Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Epidsode 2: The Needles, The Name, and The Goals

We're back again with some great news!!
(length 33:20)
Whats on the needles
Katherine- Hoodie Tunic, Quick Baby Socks by Double Ewe Yarn Shop, Classic Socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes, just have to reknit that hat.
Kristin- still knitting that baby blanket but trying to convince her to knit me yoga socks!

We decided to go ahead and talk about needles which is of course the things you use to knit with so why not talk about them! We cover the different kinds of needles we've come across such as the Signature needles which look really sexy with their 3 different kinds of points and toppers you can get but we just don't really like metal. This probably has to do with the experience we had with the generic metal needles we both started out with. This of course leads us to bamboo needles which you can find in many different brands, which Kristin usually buys the Clovers. Then there are the Harmony needles that I love to death! Who wouldn't love needles that are hot and dangerous, sorry had to quote Kesha there. They really are great needles that I will soon get Kristin hooked on.

Now for our knitting goals!
Kristin: knit a cute cover up and learn to crochet
Katherine: knit Bo Peep by Lousia Sisson and Emma Haigh, destash down to a single tub, and..... I don't know I just go with the flow :)

Here is our special shout out to our very first follower SuzyHomaker we love you!!!!

Don't forget to leave a comment and tell us about your favorite kinds of needles and your goals for the year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out guys! I just finally got the chance to listen to the episode today. I'm enjoying the show and I hope you guys keep it up!
